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Positive Caesarean Workshop

Applying hypnobirthing techniques for a positive caesarean birth experience

Are you planning for a caesarean birth? If so, you may feel that you don't have any options for your birth, or that hypnobirthing can't support you. That isn't the case! There are still many things for you to consider and many steps you can take to prepare for a positive caesarean birth experience. This course is designed for you and your birth partner, and the price is per couple.

This workshop is delivered as a private, one to one course only. This can be delivered in the comfort of your own home or live on Zoom, whichever you prefer, and at a time and date that suits you. 

The course is taught in one session of around 3 hours, and you will learn: 

  • The positive belief that a caesarean birth can be the most wonderful experience for the birthing person & birth partner

  • What happens before, during and after your caesarean birth and what to expect

  • To look forward, optimistically, to a gentle, safe, calm, comfortable and stress free birth

  • How to release any fears that may be associated with caesarean birth 

  • How to relax deeply & quickly using breathing, visualisations & Mp3’s

  • How to promote the production of your hormones to promote bonding and feeding after a caesarean birth

  • Breathing techniques that work with your body to maximise your body’s natural relaxation responses

  • The knowledge & power to navigate your birth should things not go as you have planned

  • Top tips for recovery

With my Positive Caesarean Workshop, you will receive: 

  • A 3 hour long workshop for you and your birth partner

  • Positive caesarean client handbook pdf

  • 3 relaxation MP3's to support your practice

  • Affirmations MP3 and printable caesarean birth affirmations booklet

  • Supporting materials such as birth plan checklist, hospital checklist, information on positive births

  • Information on local resources and support for during your pregnancy and after the birth of your baby

  • Continued support from me via message / phone up until the birth of your baby and beyond

£110 (for birthing person and birth partner)

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